Actually, I want to write this post a little earlier, but due to my laziness, it's postponed.... In fact, it has been a week before and you finally know how severe my laziness is...
So, the day is a veeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy lllooooooooooong day and we actually survived through those things.....
We (I and my sis) came to school a bit late (blame our fussy mom), but thank goodness, the buses hadn't arrived yet... So we waited while the senpais (seniors) took our attendance.... Another relieve was that I didn't get the same bus as my sis, she can't disturb me that day (YES!).... It's a long journey to KL (about 2 hours) yet, none of us (Lily, Lawrence, Swathy, Sakura, Me, Jing Ting, Jing Wen, Cherlyn, Jaya, Rathi, Pavi and Padminee) slept through the journey... We just make ourselves at class(?) by making noises (FYI : we're the noisiest there, as expected)...
We sang, listen to musics, read magazines (thanks Swathy), chatted, eat, even Rathi dance in the bus!!! and etc etc etc etc... In short, we just managed to do almost anything in the bus... We never sat still and just kept quiet.... Well, I think that's not our nature you know... And so... The bus stopped at the Seremban rest stop and we went to the convenient store to buy snacks, drinks and the trivial stuffs we needed.... Rathi and Lily even bought cup noodles! Well, that's a pretty good idea coz it was raining and the day was very cold....
After the 20 minutes rest (including chatting with friends from different bus and etc etc), we continue our journey (and being the noisiest in the bus)... I managed to take some pics (own collection, no one have it!!)....Lily finishing her cup noodle...
Rathi finishing her cup noodle...
Well, it seemed that everyone was busy eating their noodles and did not notice me capturing them.... *wink*It's a bit blurry but I think it's a good shot... Coz it shows here that Lawrence was sitting with Jing Ting in the bus and it's the clearest picture on Earth (they didn't notice me).... Woooohooooo....!! (Wei Wen and Mabel, don't be jealous...)
And this is Sakura-chan... (We were shooting each other)
Rathi and Jaya... Rathi was dancing her heart out that time and it's a bit blurry... While Jaya was sleeping peacefull, undisturbed by Rathi...
Well.... After a while, we arrived at KL and our first stop was the ICOM (International College of Music).... And we were greeted by a tribute performance for U2 done by the students there and I tell you, it was really terrific!! They played the instruments really well and the lightning effects were damn great!! After that, we get a brief intoduction of the college and bla bla bla whatever she was saying in front, I confessed, I didn't understand a single thing....
The next one was more enjoyable, it's a talk about proffesion in the music industry... We were introduced to the "backstage" by a lecturer there named Dinesh (or so what I'd heard).... He's really funny and sporting (or so what the people said)... He just layan all of us, even the one that was keeping menyampuk with weird comments (who knows who is the culprit)... I really do listened hard to him and discovered that he's much more enjoyable that the previous one (whose name I have forgotten)....
We also built paper constructions (as Lily called it) out of boredom...1st paper construction, I called it "The Pyramid"...
2nd paper construction, I called it "The Miring Tower of ICOM"
3rd paper construction, I called it "The Unknown Building Which Doesn't Look Pretty Stable"...
My favorite is the 3rd one... It's so weird and looked dangerously dangerous...
After all the speeces, we were given a tour around the college.... We were given a free luch after that,(a good one)... Many didn't want to eat... Mr Ronald said, "Kids these days favours more junk foods than the healthy food,"... Well, I agree to him, even Sakura-chan hates vegetables (there's one time when I forced vegetables to her, but that's a different story)... So, we ate happily (when thinking that we can save our money to buy comics)...
We continue our journey to our next destination, Berjaya Times Square. FYI, it's a large mall with many shops and the shops that I and Sa-chan (Sakura) entered was only Borders (a book shop), Tropicana Life (which I never heard of, I was dragged there by Sa-chan, who wanted to buy a new wallet) and an unknown store where Sa-chan looked for choices of wallets... So, practically, we just see the books (Sa-chan bought 8 Malay comics there in the total of RM54) and wandering around to find Tropicana Life which was damn hard to find (it's hidden behind the shops and was lurking in a dark corner) and the unknown shop is just a shop that we passed by when were searching for Tropicana Life...
After a long walk in the Times Square (It's a really long walk, we used the elevators only when we wanted to go up and we ran on the escalators when we went down coz it's fun) ... We waited for our bus to go to our final destination in KL, which is the Suria KLCC which is situated under the Petronas Twin Tower... Here's a picture (thanks Athmas)...Night view... (We actually arrived in the evening, but no one have the picture, if one does, I am to lazy to search for it)
So, Mr Ronald gave us a brief talk about when we must be at the crime scene (not that it's a crime scene, it's the entrance part of the Philharmonic Hall), fully dressed with our formal clothes and how the bus B had broken down (thank god it's not my bus, but they (the passenger in bus B) get pleasant surprise in the end).... We scampered about, I and Sa-chan went to change our clothes (it's a nuisance cos we hang our clothes on a hanger)... After that, we get into the elevators and we walked (we really do walked, in Times Square we wore sneakers, but here, Sa-chan was wearing a high heels and I was wearing a pumps) to Kinokuniya Bookstore... Sa-chan (again) bought 6 Malay comics (total = RM39) and I bought I Japanese comic magazine... We went to KFC for dinner and perform the prayer in the surau of the same floor...
Then, we hurried up the "crime scene" and found out that almost everyone had gathered there... We took photos in our formal outfits... The song that the MPO was playing is the Piano Concerto No.1 in B flat Minor Op.23 and Symphony No.4 in F Minor Op.36 by Tchaikovsky... It was really great, the solo pianist, Alice Sara Ott, is really terrific, awesome, amazing etc etc.... The conductor, Eiji Oue, is very talented... I was stunned...After the performance, we took a few pics... Here's Athmas' stash (I didn't took any and I think you know the reason)It's actually almost time to go back, but I am lazy to arrange it according the time... You can see here that our class is really hectic although it is only some of them coming....
Us, again...
Random picture of Athmas and an unknown person (to me)...
Chong and Athmas... They looked smart in their suits...
The solo pianist, Alice Sara Ott, in the middle...
Gary, eating greedily...
Perasan picture of Athmas and someone's car...
The same car, with different poser but same perasaness...
Us and Mr Yap (the super cool Math teacher)...
Girls in Black plus one playboy dude... (Athmas do looked like a playboy anyway)
So with all that photographing sessions, our trip ends... The passengers of bus B get a new bus (which is better that the first one) and bus A and bus C were late, we waited for the buses for half and hour.. We slept at the bus and arrived in Melaka at 2 a.m. At last, home again....Not to mention, at the MPO, Cherlyn slept while the 2nd movement of the piece was played... She woke up after the audience clapped and she just clapped along still blurry coz she didn't know what's going on....
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best nya,, hoho
klakar bdak2 kelas nih
mmg sempoi ar *thumbs up*
Hehe... Thanks... BTW, diorg memang bising... Macam kelas kteorg masa drjh 6...
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