Now... I'm in the mood of writing about my friend, Sim Jin Yi (you'll be popular with this, Sim!) So, this thing is not an essay that tells you how great he is, what a good friend he is, how popular he is and so on.... It's about his misfortune in his own class, as you've guessed, 2 Music....
So, he is a Chinese boy with very slanted eyes and chubby cheeks... He has a rather small figure and a nice smile which reminds you of a begging dog... His hair is like when you get an electric shock, you'll get that hair style... Well.... Here's a photo of our dearest friend....Well... I give the credit of the picture to Sim himself... I get this from his profile in Facebook...
So, his misfortune is... He is being large scale bullied by his own friends, Alvin (and the Chipmunks), Khoon Han Liang and Lai Yee Neng....
He's the black sheep of our class, or as the Malays said "Kambing Hitam".... He always be blamed for EVERY problems, things and so on in our class... Like this :
Teacher : Who had lost the class' bucket?
Everyone : SIM!!!
Or like this :
Teacher : What will influence the rate of death in a country?
Everyone : SIM!!!
Or this :
Teacher : What is the main problem here?
Everyone : SIM!!
So, practically, he is blamed for everything and anything... Nothing in particular... And even in the Choir Club there's a scene like this :
Teacher : Who left his/her food here?
Lai : SIM!!
But the situation now is, Sim doesn't even enter the Choir Club...
So, he's really unfortunate, isn't he?
Well... Sometimes, he also get physically bullied and literary bullied.... Some example of the first are just like the classics which is involving punching, kicking and so on... While the later is various...
They (Alvin, Han Liang and Yee Neng) always said Sim loves somebody, anybody or everybody...
Examples :
Case 1
Time : In the middle of free period
Place : In the middle of the class (their seats)
Victim : Sim and Farhana
Culprit : Yee Neng and Han Liang
YN & HL: SIM LOVES FARHANA!!! *at the top of their voices*
Sim : ....
Case 2
Time : Anytime
Place : Same as above
Victim : Me and Sim
Culprit : Alvin and Han Liang
*me passing by their seat*
A & HL : SIM LOVES TSANIYA!!!! *at the top of their voices*
Sim : ...
Me : Say that again and I'll kick your asses!!
Well.... At the latter case, I didn't (kick asses) and just ignore them... But once, I really kicked Han Liang's ass...
And another literary bullying is.... How I'll phrase it... They made a song for him... Especially for him... And it goes the song :
Babi Sim! Babi Sim! Babi Sim! Babi Sim!
You can see it if you want to, but you'll be surprised by the lyrics... They always sing it in the class and in the music room with the teacher in front of them... I know it's rude but sometimes, you can't resist joining them... The melody is easy coz there's no rythm, no melody and it's only a phrase that you will bang the gendang and just play the C chord and no 3 (in gamelan) while singing the song... So, I think you can pretty much imagine how it goes and how Sim's face turns red out of anger and embrassment...
Well... I think that is all I have to write about him.... Blame Sim about this article....
Okaaaaaaaayyyyy.......... Now... I don't have much things to say...and dissapointing, I'm a candidate for the competition, Mighty Minds
This week is one of the longest week ever in my life, although it's filled with useless things (only a little bit of studying).... I was away from the class (which I've come to miss) for 3 days... Blame the JPM guys... They make me... But, well.. At least, I can skip many boring classes... So... Although I only do so little things this week which is almost filled with violin practices which really suck coz the songs are super duper hard (note that I'm ONLY a grade 2 student)...and that thing rocks coz it has something to do with math and science and general knowledge...
Other things... Well.. Not much to say... As Lily have said (or done), I'm drowning in homework and still haven't make my through yet coz I'm clueless about the things to do... And Sakura-chan is still away (she has something going on with her archery)... And my friends at school are like.......... gloomy mood...
So, me and my sis (who played the cello), are cheered up by the sheer pleasure of a tuner that we just bought today.... It's price is RM65 and the guy who sells the thing (I can't get myself to think of a more suitable name for him) gave us discount and the price became RM58... We gave our dad RM25 each and he pay the rest, which is only RM8... But then... We get our weekly allowance!! So, we get RM15 each and in total, the tuner only cost us RM10 each... What a beneficial bargain! ^_^
The conclusion is, this week is not the best week in my life... It's a rather long and boring week................I'm unable to enter the competition coz I not a BLOODY CITIZEN OF MALAYSIA!!!
Ok... So, today I just washed my father's car, a gold wira with bashed up right passenger door and never been cleaned in the past 4 months.... Well, I cleaned it all morning without any help from anyone.... It's rather a short story, if you didn't find all the surprises....
1st Surprise
Have you ever noticed your father's car rooftop?? Well, if yes, it's no surprise for you to find many unknown things... As for me, I found some bird crap, unknown crap, lots of dust and dead bugs bodies... And I had a hard time scrubbing the shits off the rooftop, it's pretty hard you know, I mean the shits are hard, as it had been caked for god knows how long....
2nd Surprise
You will never know how dirty is the front tyres... Well, the back tyres are a lot more cleaner that the fronts you know.... If you use a sponge and scrub it... You will get the mixture of soap bubbles and unknown black substance... I suspected that it is from the exhaust gas from other cars.... It's black and it gave me a "whoaaaa" coz you just don't know how much those black substance can cover the tyre rim... Try it yourselves...
3rd Surprise
You'll see that the carpet in your car "looks" clean and just fine... The ugly truth is that the carpet isn't fine at all.... You'll find small peebles and dusts and unknown things.... I get a very "pleasant" time cleaning those things off....
Well... After all, I wiped the car with water first and then shampooed it with car shampoo (what else... do you expect me to shampoo it with dog's shampoo?)... That's the time when I cleaned the tyre rim and see the black substance.... And I cleaned the rooftop to find a whole collection of various craps and shits....
After all the outer cleaning, I moved to the internal cleaning.... I took the vacuum cleaner along with me and cleaned the car from the big traches first (such as tissue papers, bottle, pens and papers)... After the removal of big trashes (which I use various techniques such as "head down legs up", "long arms" and etc etc)... I vacumeed the car throughly, to get rid all the peebles, various sizes and colours..... And that's how it ends... Not to mention that my body aches all over from that...
This is a rather short post.... But nevermind... I enjoyed myself writing this... Well... See you in the next post... God knows when I have the will to post again....
Actually, I want to write this post a little earlier, but due to my laziness, it's postponed.... In fact, it has been a week before and you finally know how severe my laziness is...
So, the day is a veeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy lllooooooooooong day and we actually survived through those things.....
We (I and my sis) came to school a bit late (blame our fussy mom), but thank goodness, the buses hadn't arrived yet... So we waited while the senpais (seniors) took our attendance.... Another relieve was that I didn't get the same bus as my sis, she can't disturb me that day (YES!).... It's a long journey to KL (about 2 hours) yet, none of us (Lily, Lawrence, Swathy, Sakura, Me, Jing Ting, Jing Wen, Cherlyn, Jaya, Rathi, Pavi and Padminee) slept through the journey... We just make ourselves at class(?) by making noises (FYI : we're the noisiest there, as expected)...
We sang, listen to musics, read magazines (thanks Swathy), chatted, eat, even Rathi dance in the bus!!! and etc etc etc etc... In short, we just managed to do almost anything in the bus... We never sat still and just kept quiet.... Well, I think that's not our nature you know... And so... The bus stopped at the Seremban rest stop and we went to the convenient store to buy snacks, drinks and the trivial stuffs we needed.... Rathi and Lily even bought cup noodles! Well, that's a pretty good idea coz it was raining and the day was very cold....
After the 20 minutes rest (including chatting with friends from different bus and etc etc), we continue our journey (and being the noisiest in the bus)... I managed to take some pics (own collection, no one have it!!)....Lily finishing her cup noodle...
Rathi finishing her cup noodle...
Well, it seemed that everyone was busy eating their noodles and did not notice me capturing them.... *wink*It's a bit blurry but I think it's a good shot... Coz it shows here that Lawrence was sitting with Jing Ting in the bus and it's the clearest picture on Earth (they didn't notice me).... Woooohooooo....!! (Wei Wen and Mabel, don't be jealous...)
And this is Sakura-chan... (We were shooting each other)
Rathi and Jaya... Rathi was dancing her heart out that time and it's a bit blurry... While Jaya was sleeping peacefull, undisturbed by Rathi...
Well.... After a while, we arrived at KL and our first stop was the ICOM (International College of Music).... And we were greeted by a tribute performance for U2 done by the students there and I tell you, it was really terrific!! They played the instruments really well and the lightning effects were damn great!! After that, we get a brief intoduction of the college and bla bla bla whatever she was saying in front, I confessed, I didn't understand a single thing....
The next one was more enjoyable, it's a talk about proffesion in the music industry... We were introduced to the "backstage" by a lecturer there named Dinesh (or so what I'd heard).... He's really funny and sporting (or so what the people said)... He just layan all of us, even the one that was keeping menyampuk with weird comments (who knows who is the culprit)... I really do listened hard to him and discovered that he's much more enjoyable that the previous one (whose name I have forgotten)....
We also built paper constructions (as Lily called it) out of boredom...1st paper construction, I called it "The Pyramid"...
2nd paper construction, I called it "The Miring Tower of ICOM"
3rd paper construction, I called it "The Unknown Building Which Doesn't Look Pretty Stable"...
My favorite is the 3rd one... It's so weird and looked dangerously dangerous...
After all the speeces, we were given a tour around the college.... We were given a free luch after that,(a good one)... Many didn't want to eat... Mr Ronald said, "Kids these days favours more junk foods than the healthy food,"... Well, I agree to him, even Sakura-chan hates vegetables (there's one time when I forced vegetables to her, but that's a different story)... So, we ate happily (when thinking that we can save our money to buy comics)...
We continue our journey to our next destination, Berjaya Times Square. FYI, it's a large mall with many shops and the shops that I and Sa-chan (Sakura) entered was only Borders (a book shop), Tropicana Life (which I never heard of, I was dragged there by Sa-chan, who wanted to buy a new wallet) and an unknown store where Sa-chan looked for choices of wallets... So, practically, we just see the books (Sa-chan bought 8 Malay comics there in the total of RM54) and wandering around to find Tropicana Life which was damn hard to find (it's hidden behind the shops and was lurking in a dark corner) and the unknown shop is just a shop that we passed by when were searching for Tropicana Life...
After a long walk in the Times Square (It's a really long walk, we used the elevators only when we wanted to go up and we ran on the escalators when we went down coz it's fun) ... We waited for our bus to go to our final destination in KL, which is the Suria KLCC which is situated under the Petronas Twin Tower... Here's a picture (thanks Athmas)...Night view... (We actually arrived in the evening, but no one have the picture, if one does, I am to lazy to search for it)
So, Mr Ronald gave us a brief talk about when we must be at the crime scene (not that it's a crime scene, it's the entrance part of the Philharmonic Hall), fully dressed with our formal clothes and how the bus B had broken down (thank god it's not my bus, but they (the passenger in bus B) get pleasant surprise in the end).... We scampered about, I and Sa-chan went to change our clothes (it's a nuisance cos we hang our clothes on a hanger)... After that, we get into the elevators and we walked (we really do walked, in Times Square we wore sneakers, but here, Sa-chan was wearing a high heels and I was wearing a pumps) to Kinokuniya Bookstore... Sa-chan (again) bought 6 Malay comics (total = RM39) and I bought I Japanese comic magazine... We went to KFC for dinner and perform the prayer in the surau of the same floor...
Then, we hurried up the "crime scene" and found out that almost everyone had gathered there... We took photos in our formal outfits... The song that the MPO was playing is the Piano Concerto No.1 in B flat Minor Op.23 and Symphony No.4 in F Minor Op.36 by Tchaikovsky... It was really great, the solo pianist, Alice Sara Ott, is really terrific, awesome, amazing etc etc.... The conductor, Eiji Oue, is very talented... I was stunned...After the performance, we took a few pics... Here's Athmas' stash (I didn't took any and I think you know the reason)It's actually almost time to go back, but I am lazy to arrange it according the time... You can see here that our class is really hectic although it is only some of them coming....
Us, again...
Random picture of Athmas and an unknown person (to me)...
Chong and Athmas... They looked smart in their suits...
The solo pianist, Alice Sara Ott, in the middle...
Gary, eating greedily...
Perasan picture of Athmas and someone's car...
The same car, with different poser but same perasaness...
Us and Mr Yap (the super cool Math teacher)...
Girls in Black plus one playboy dude... (Athmas do looked like a playboy anyway)
So with all that photographing sessions, our trip ends... The passengers of bus B get a new bus (which is better that the first one) and bus A and bus C were late, we waited for the buses for half and hour.. We slept at the bus and arrived in Melaka at 2 a.m. At last, home again....Not to mention, at the MPO, Cherlyn slept while the 2nd movement of the piece was played... She woke up after the audience clapped and she just clapped along still blurry coz she didn't know what's going on....
I decided to create a series based on the things that happened at school today, particularly on my class, 2 Music.... This class is really noisy, I always believed that it is the noisiest class in the history of 2 M....
Today is not my day.... Blame everything on (my self-help) holiday yesterday (and cold).... There's so many homeworks to do (which I haven't done when writing this entry).... Sakura said she was going crazy when I wasn't in.... Actually, I think I am going crazy myself...
Today everybody (as usual) is blaming Sim again (I will tell the story tomorrow)...
And also, the 2 M-ers are called by the dentist today (including me)... Some are undergoing a filling and some are just cleanig.... Kow Jiun Hong tooth is being filled by the nurse and us, the audience (me, Shume, Si Ying, Han Ling etc etc), shuddered with horror.... It looked really painful (which actually is)... The nurse even used a laser on the tooth.... Poor Jiun Hong just can sometimes twitch with pain....
There's not much event happening on the other periods, on BI nilam, a few of us stayed in the class (ponteng!!) including me coz I haven't finished my math yet, which Mr Yap wants today... Lawrence, Athmas and Akaasyh are playing at the back of the class.... Akaasyh is running around like some crazy people and Lawrence, irresponsibly, put his leg on Akaasyh way and how he tripped.... Normal people just tripped and landed flat on their face but not for Akaasyh.... He fly in the mid air horizontally and landed horizantally too.... His hip must be hurt very much....
On BI time, there's so many loyar buruk going on in the class.... We are studiying literature, about a novel titled Potato People which is really lame and boring... It can put people to sleep in 3 seconds... The class is not that attentive and they just throwing lame jokes around...
First case :
Phay and Vicknes
When Mr Gan said about Marie being a black, egyptian girl, Phay said that it is just like Jayamalar, our indian friend, Mr Gan said to Phay "So, you think you're so fair ah?"
Then Vicky snaps, "His private part very fair one...."
Sakura a sudden surge of energy "Vicky, you have seen Phay's one ah?"
And then, everbody laughed........
Secong case:
Akaasyh and Lawrence
When Mr Gan mentioned that Marie is a liar, Akaasyh said "It's just like Lawrence" (or so I think)
Lawrence snaps and said " F U"
Mr Gan, with lightning speed, rotan Lawrence, then come out excuses from his big mouth...
The class starts clapping....
Mr Gan said, "If only F, I can forgive, but when you said F U, it became a different meaning"
The clapping died down, only Sakura is clapping, according to the tempo earlier....
And Mr Gan threatened Lawrence that he will report it to Mr Wong shiny head discipline teacher
And the class starts clapping again....
This is a really crazy class, so, whatever you read here is 100% true, although you almost can't believe your eyes, but believe it anyway, you are not blind, are you? Even I, the person who go on through all the silliness can survives and still believe my eyes, why can't you?
Curse me for shouting "Hooray to boredom!!"
And the same day, at night, I was dragged to the Malam Puisi Riong which UTeM organised...
My whole family planned to see this show just to see the "sasterawan negara" A Samad Said recite a poem.... And I confess, I quit halfway...
So the misfortune started with my agreement to go the show and whereas the second is our dress code.... I thought that every single thing that has to do with art and night must have some thing to do with formality.... And so, we (my whole family) went to the event wearing baju kurung and batik.... And how surprised we were when we saw the people around us wearing T-shirts and jeans....
The night starts out badly with boring recital and speeches.... I figured out that they stick to the concept "Save the Best for the Last", so most probably, A Samad Said will come out last....
There's only one performance I liked best.... It is a journal about a man named something Al Hindi... It was really funny with many silly phrases....
There's one performance, a singing performance which the singer played a guitar while he was singing an Ebiet song.... At first glance, he looked just fine, at the second glance you'll notice something........................................ He wore a pair of pink crocs slip-ons
Even me, the audience, felt really embarassed looking at him because of his pair of pink crocs slip-ons..........
We managed to get a glance on A Samad Said when he was going to the toilet.... He looked old (like Dumbledore in Harry Potter).... But he didn't use a stick to help him walk... I was expecting him to be more rickety old man...
After reached the 10.15 p.m. time, we gave up (main reason hunger, boredom and sleepiness)...
We went home after eating dinner at a nearby restaurant....
The conclusion is, do not say something ridiculous, God knows when it will really happened to you...
I get a cold 2 yesterday, and as the title above, it is very annoying....
It started when I come to school in the morning and discovered that the 2 BM period is canceled and there's a relieve teacher coming for the 1st period.... That time, how I cheered!! I pass the time with chatting with friends although the teacher is shouting "Silence!" (what a bad monitor).... And on the 2nd period, no teacher is entering the class (I bet you can't imagine how noisy our class is)... And at this time, I started having the fuzzy feeling and headache (the kind that is like crushing your head)...
It became more and more serious as time passed... KH time was pissing me off coz that time we need to shape the feet of the electrical components and it suck coz the feet are so small and with a headache, what can you expect from me?
PI time was worse still... We need to memorize a biodata of one of the Khalifah in the ancient time... It was relly hard coz his name continued with 3 bins... (Usman bin Affan bin Abu Al 'As bin Umaiyyah)
I regretted I didn't call my parents earlier coz that day, I have a violin class and I also have to teach the Form 1-ers cello... I want to sleep through the teaching time (I have back-ups!) but the sound of the viola and violin (which is supossed to make one sleep) was very1000000000x sore and out-of-rythm and that was enough to keep me awake for the rest of the teaching time....
When it was our (the seniors!) turn to play, sir was giving us a bunch of method to play a bunch of a-pain-in-the-ass scale (such as Ab Major, B Major), when I am dying.... I really was dying that time... It was 4 o'clock in the evening, I haven't get a rest (like nap or something).... Even my head was pounding like it was going to burst like time bomb!
I survived the violin class with flying colours and walked to the gate with 1/12 of my life left (not to mention that I have a load of things : violin, my oversised bag and my 3 music files which are very very big and thick)... It was about 5.15 p.m. and it was hot that day and you know, with just 1/12 of my life (and it was still decreasing) I waited for my father, to come and pick me up, under the sun...
I waited and waited and waited... And at last he came at 6 o'clock in the evening... That time I feel like I almost died...................................... At home, I came into the house crashing on the sofa.... My father take my temperature and it was 39 degree Celcius.... Then, my mom rattled about my lack of self discipline and how I didn't take care of my body and God knows what else....
I ate, drink lots of water, take the pills for the ills (it rhymes!) and at night, my fever cooled down a bit... But still, the next day, I can't come to school although I felt that I can mange to come...
Then, the story continues...........
I watched the "How to Train Your Dragon" movie on the last Sunday which is 4th April.... It was damn nice and the quality is reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy great, not to mention that I watched it in 3D!!!!
Hiccup is a usual, pathetic type of hero. He is a loser among all of the vikings, although he is the son of the viking leader (who is really bulky). He always wanted to kill a dragon, preferably a night fury, which is the rarest, most wanted dragon that no one has ever killed, to gained his share of fame... One night, when the dragon attacked his village (which I already forget the name), he shot the night fury, but no one believed him.
The Night Fury (the main favorite character according to me), is super duper cute type of a dragon. He kinda resembles a cat I think. He is rescued by Hiccup and later they became friends. Hiccup named him Toothless. Hiccup trained Toothless while training to kill a dragon (which his father make him to)... He become the best student in the class because he know the dragons weakness, which he had observed on Toothless...
And later, there will be a beautiful, young girl (like in the fairy tales) which Hiccup likes and Toothless become jealous with that girl, coz Toothless think that Hiccup likes the girl more than him.... The girl is the ambitious heroine type (which I personally liked)... She wanted to be the best student in the killing dragons training (and she is very rightful too, as she's the most skillful)...She thinks that Hiccup is really suspicious coz he always left on the middle of something.... And she followed Hiccup for several times and failed... The 3rd time, she succed....
And the story goes on and on and on and on.... I don't want to continue it coz if I do, you will not buy the cd or see the movie..... The real reason is because I don't know how to continue and very lazy to continue the story... Its rather a long story.....
So, you better run to the cinema and buy a ticket and see the movie yourself....
P.S. There's a hidden note!!!
I feel that it had been a long time ago since the last time I wrote in this blog (although it is just for 5 days).... There's so much catching up to do... So, maybe the following post will contain the activities I have done on the past 5 days... Although, of course, it will be reeeeaaaaaalllllyyyyyy boring.... What's life without boredom??
Because of that, we can fret as much as we want to....
So, hooray to boredom!!!
I predict that May will be the most hectic month of the year...
I have so many things to do in the month of May, including my best friend birthday Sakura on 24th of May...
So, the things I must do on May are:
1. Mid-year exam (which I must study till drop dead)
2. My first band performance (which we haven't practiced yet, or eve choose the song!)
3. The Gala Muzika Konser (which had always been a pain in the ass)
4. My auntie and her family are coming (my mom is planning to appoint me to be their tour guide)
Three of the events above are very important...
The result if I failed to do them are:
1. My mom will give me a long lecture about "Why you don't study harder"
2. Our band (probably) will be black listed
3. No improvement in my violin playing
4. My auntie will feel bored
And furthermore, May is one of the month with least holiday... So, I think I'll need a therapist after May...
Wish me luck everyone.....
After a very long and frustating week.... The main problem of my class band already solved yesterday... It's a very long story, but I'll try to cut it short...
The situation before this (from Monday 29 March) was that everyone was already informed that Sam is going to leave the band 'coz his father forbade him to... And we have a performance on May... And we never ever have practiced seriously before... For this, let's blame Wei Wen...
Everyone of us, who are concernedon the band, became reeeeeaaaaaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyyy frustated and sad, including me........... It was because no one is as good as Sam in playing drums, in our class... We suggested to take in Hafiq (a form 1 guy) who is very good at the drums, but Lily insisted that this band is for 2 Music ONLY....
And so, everyone continued to become frustated until Wednesday, Athmas had this very big smile on his face (which I personally think almost reached his ears)... And he said that there were 3 steps that he'll do :
1st is that he will dismiss the band
2nd is he will tell us tomorrow
3rd is he will not do step 1
Well it's very obvious to us that he'll never step 1 'coz he badly want to form this band... And so... Athmas told me and my best friend, Sakura-chan (identity hidden) that step 2 only has 4 words in it... So, we began to random guess... It's sometihing like this:
I /will/ treat/ you
I/ quit/ the/ band
Everyone/ quit/ the/ band
I/ will/ be/ married
and so on...
I know that it's a complete nonsense, but we can't help it 'coz we were going real crazy that day... It's like suddenly we laughed alone.... or smiling alone and well... my class already used to that condition 'coz almost all of us are crazy... And we're teen what... being crazy is normal... :)
And so, Athmas couldn't held back his feeling any longer, he tried to pull me away from Sakura-chan but well as you can guess... she followed when Athmas just said I... So to save the day, I steered the conversation to "How to kill the hornet bee near our window sill and Sakura automatically go and bother someone else... After the condition was clear, he told me the 2nd step which is............................................................................................................................................................................... Samraj will not quit the band!!!!!!!!!! Hoooooooooorrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
Thus, this thing is confidential and no one knew this except me, Sam and Athmas... And so we all acting like something terrible is going to happen, and I acted "I know nothing"... And we disscussed and disscussed and discussed.... Until I rememberred that tomorrow is April Fool and told them... We all laughed (and I think we laughed of different reason, each of us) and the "soup Thum" (which actually paint) under Atmas table spilled 'coz he accidentally kicked it...
Let's skip this part 'coz it's one hectic moment... We don't know what to do and thus... we just let it be and let the paint dry on it's own...
The next day, Athmas came to school with a ver gloomy face... We asked him why, and he said that he and Sam pranked Lily yesterday (although today was the April Fool)... Lily was super-duper-hyper mad at Athmas and Sam, she just won't listen to their apologize.... And Athmas become very100000000000000x gloomy and emo... It's sad to see him like that.. He was like wated to give up on everything...
I'll telll you the joke they (Athmas and Sam) made to prank Lily isn't funny at ALL... Atmas SMS-ed Lily that Sam is shifting school... And she was replied that she is really sad 'coz Karmily's parents are also considering to shift Karmily (new character!) to another school.. Athmas called Lily ad told her it was a joke and of course, as you can guess, she became furious....
On the same day (Thursday, April Fool).. After those emo moments, it's finally MATHEMATICS the best subject on universe (I mean it)... And our class got this really cool teacher (not reffering to his face), which really likes to give us common knowledge.. As the class monitor and her vice, I and Sakura take the excercise books to his table and returned to the class... Amazingly, Athmas has turned to the big smile monster that I has mentioned.... I asked him what happened, and I realize, it's a fake smile.... damn...
It's suppossed to be our band practice but, alas, the form 4 guys already booked it... I'm not staying 'coz my mom don't let me and said goodbye to everybody...
The next day............................................. Friday! Weekend is approaching!
Athmas really turned to the big-smile-the-monster... And I found out that the problem was solved yesterday... Sakura told me that when Athmas and Chong (new character) were walking towards the school gate, Lily was walking from the other side of it... And Sakura-chan asked her mom to stop the car (she was about to go home)... And poof... Miracle happened, and Chong walked alone while Athmas and Lily was walking together... And so, problem was solved...
And I found out later that they also called the McDonald delivery to school... Damn...
So, that's my ending....
And it seems that I failed to cut it short... :P
lol... ^_^
P.S : Actually Athmas like Lily, but she has not given her answer yet... And Sam like Karmily....
My class is full of love conflicts, but I'll tell the story later...
This is actually my first time blogging...
This blog is just for fun only :P...
And I think the title of this post is reaaaaaaaaaaallllyy pathetic (and not to mention common)
I can't think of any other title...
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu....
*bows down*